Sunday 17 March 2024



.....says he really deserve it

It is indeed true when they say that hardwork pays. This has been proven yet again today through the living testimony of my dear friend and brother, Formally known as Mr Lucky Ohimai, and currently addressed as a Double chief, Chief Lucky Ohimai. The CEO of Tarex Conglomerate.

  It is with great joy and happiness that I wish to congratulate you, on the conferment of chieftaincy titles in two revered kingdom in Edo state. 1. The Oduma of Ujioba kingdom.    2. The Ekpen 1 of Ebelle Kingdom. 

This prestigious kingdoms whom has found you highly worthy, in other to continue your service of love and commitment. 


This is no longer news that, you are one of the most competent, reliable and most efficient man I know, all this years of your commitment and service have not gone unnoticed. 

Again, I believe that reward for hard work is more work. Hence, you have been chosen by these great Traditional rulers, as the right man to sit on that title and continuously give back to the communities. 

I am more excited to see the impact you will make in your new position. 

Congratulations once more DOUBLE CHIEF on this important milestone. 

Truly, you have earned this position and this is me, Daniel Eromosele PIKOLO wishing you many more moments of celebrations in the coming days after this.

 I pray that your greatness will know no bound and that you will excel through this new phase in your life.


Sunday 18 February 2024

"33" Connect Party Valentine Edition: Let's Lynk Up shut down Benin


The Much anticipated edition of "33" connect party was held yesterday  Saturday 17th of  February 2024 to celebrate the season of love.

 The Party was tagged " Let's Lynk up" and was hosted by Popular MC and Hypeman Klinsman. 

The Party witnessed fun lovers both old and young come together en masses  to celebrate the season of love.  

Fun lovers had so much fun to the extent that they didn’t leave the venue till 4am the following morning  

The crowds were held spell bound by performing artists to the extent that some comedians could not even perform. 

Part of the activities and side Attraction that took place at the event are games and raffle draws  which saw participants go home with different gift items such as kitchen blender, drinks, cooking wares, "33" branded T.shirts, drinks among other consolation prizes.

Most attendees testify that this is the best event that has happened in Benin in a long time and they look forward to more of this kind of events in Benin city. 

The Event was jam packed by fun seekers and a lot of them enjoyed 33 Lager beer and also the special cocktail mixed with 33 lager beer served at the event. 

The event also features different artists of multiple talents such as MC Alamano, Porkupyne,Otis 3point6 and The Groove Band who performed to the delight and entertainment of the audience. 

First Bar, 12, Country Home Road Benin City played host to the party. The event was proudly sponsored by "33"Export Lager Beer .

Saturday 17 February 2024

Famous South Africa Based Successful Entrepreneur Temidayo Johnson aka King Papichulo1 Sets to Gives out 1million Jamb forms to Nigerian Students.



As Part of his commitment to give back to the society that made him, what he has achieved today, South Africa Bases Successful entrepreneur Temidayo Johnson Popularly known as KingPapichulo1 as concluded plan to support 1 million Nigerian Students to obtain jamb form.    

According to a reliable source, this Gesture was born out of the passion the CEO of Papichulo Group of Company in Johannesburg South Africa has for the students in the country. he love Education for the child saying Education is the only channel the leaders of Tomorrow can achieve there future Plans. 

He also remarked that due to the current economic situation of the Nigeria, it will not be good enough to leave everything in the hand of the Government alone, our little contribution to the economic development of the country will go a long way in  addressing the effect of the unstable economy the Nation is facing.   

According to information Available the 1million jamb forms will be share across the Country to all students intending to write jamb examination.      

According to the source  Papichulo 1 has contacted his team, who has done it visibility study on how the distribution will be prefected.  

This effort is supported and complimented by Empahyah Media/New under the Leadership of Babatunde Samuel Seidu.     

 It will be recalled that Temidayo Johnson is a successful entrepreneur who break into the South Africa Business with little or no cash or God Father but today he has written his name with Gold with the success he recorded in all his Businesses, today Papichulo Groups is an house hold name in the Auto Business, Hospital business and others in Johannesburg South Africa, he is making Nigeria proud in that southern Country of Africa.

Friday 9 February 2024


.......Prominent Pastor's Involved in  Human Trafficking Scandal Leaves Nigerians Stranded Abroad.

In a very deep disturbing revelation, Mr. Pius Alile, husband of APC National Woman Leader Mary Alile, has been ensnared in the sinister world of human trafficking. Exploiting vulnerable Nigerians, According to source he shamelessly charged £13,000.00 per person, purportedly to facilitate their migration to the UK under the Certificate of Sponsorship scheme.

Shockingly, the Alile’s illicit activities have left countless Nigerians stranded in a foreign land as the UK government, responding to his exploitative practices, therefore Govt has revoked his license.

In a heartless Zoom call, which he held before fleeing the UK, he callously informed innocent Nigerians that their fate is now in their hands. This shocking revelation adds another layer of cruelty to his already heinous actions, leaving victims not only betrayed but abandoned in a foreign land. This act by Pius Alile came to the attention of the UK Home Office when many of the people whom he promised jobs after collecting their money were left stranded and without any source of livelihood. This warning serves as a stark reminder to be vigilant and cautious, even in unexpected quarters, as this perpetrator was not only involved in such nefarious activities but held a position as a pastor in one of Nigeria's prominent churches. 

The gravity of this situation demands heightened awareness and caution to prevent falling prey to such harrowing schemes and characters like Pius Alile. Also he Buys cars for party chairmen from proceeds of the human trafficking and asks for return of cars from those who refused to do his illegal biddings

Part 2 as a follow up to this exploit coming soon

Friday 2 February 2024

Grace Nation PHDS Service: Prayers and Worship Open Up The Presence of God - Dr Chris okafor

.....Dr Okafor's warning on Fire outbreak at Major Markets came to Pass..

Nothing attract the Manifestation of God like the Prayer, Nothing is as Powerful like the Presence of God. The presence of God Guarantee healing, Liberty ,deliverance and Breakthrough.

These and More are the foundation raised by the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor at the Grace Nation Midweek Prophetic, Healings, Deliverance and Solution service PHDS held at the international Headquarters of the Church situated at 8-10 Liberation Club, Oshofisan street off Edozie by Ereke Bus stop Ojodu Berger Lagos Nigeria.

Teaching on a Topic with sub titled The "Presence of God" the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor said there is something about the word of God that brings about worship, saying it is the presence of God that distinguish its manifestation on mankind. 

The Lagos Popular Man of God also remarks that if you must see or enjoy the Power of God ,you must continually be in his Presence, because in his Presence there is fullest of Joy.

How do you see and enjoy the Presence of God, The Apostle of altars said for you to keep seeing and enjoy the Presence of God, Prayers must be your watchwords, you must continue to leave in prayers without stopping, the Generational Prophet of God affirms that prayers and worship Open up the Presence of GOD giving you unlimited access and blessings from God.

Meanwhile it will be recalled that late last year, The Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor warned Market Men and woman to come together to seek the face of God, for the unexpected to happen, He warned shouting at the top of his Voice but everyone turned a deaf ear to the warning noting that God reveals to redeem but no one cares,. Exactly when and where the calamity is expected to happen as Prophesied, the Market places, has manifested, Major Markets were gutted by fire in recent time in Abuja,Borno and Lagos State, those market places include Madilas house island Lagos ,Karimo and a shopping mail in Gwarinpa both in Abuja and a major Market in Borno State, if the people had listen to the Man of God warning ,it might be averted.

Last Wednesday it was a Powerful deliverance service at the Lekki Midweek Prophetic Interdenominational service at the Oaks Event Centre Lekki Expressway Ikate Elegushi Lekki Lagos. The power of God came down Mightily breaking barriers, setting the Lawful captives free and depopulating the kingdom of Darkness, speedily Populating the Kingdom of God.Next week Wednesday is another day, Join the Generational Prophet of God Dr Chris Okafor at the Lekki service, your life will not remain the Same..


Thursday 1 February 2024



Spiritually endowed minister of the gospel, Prophet I.O. Samuel has released some bombshells about the current scorching situation of Nigeria. Speaking recently to the media, the emphatic soul winner called on President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to act fast before things got boomeranged in the nation, saying that he saw a wild fire threatening the peace and tranquility of the country from the Northern hemisphere to the South East and down towards the South West adding that there will be a massive protest by hungry and angry Nigerians if drastic steps are not taken.

Prophet Samuel urged President Tinubu to urgently reform the country’s security apparatus and at the same time do something about Nigeria’s economy. He noted that the high rate of kidnapping, killings and robbery bedeviling the country is unwarranted, destructive and highly condemnable, adding that he saw great resistance by Nigerian citizens if Mr. President did not act on insecurity while also expressing his opinion that men of the Nigerian Armed Forces including the Army, Airforce, Navy as well as are military agencies like the Civil Defence etc., are not in happy mood with the president’s current administrative strategies.

The bold and outspoken Prophet was quoted as saying that “The rate at which prices of goods and services are skyrocketing is outrageous and alarming. Fuel, water, bread, gas and food stocks are all at very high prices for an average Nigerian and the poor masses. Today some people eat babies and little kids are being sold on the streets for N1 million per boy and N500,000 per girl child. Young adult girls are now massive on the streets begging for any amount of money even as low as N500 in exchange of their bodies while the male counterparts are involved in devilish crimes like kidnapping people for ransom, raping virgins and innocent girls and later kill them even after collecting ransom while many youths are dropping out of schools for lack of finances. The situation of Nigeria as at now is not a joking matter anymore. Our hospitals are empty with no equipment to treat patients, electricity is in shambles amongst others.”

Prophet I.O. Samuel also added that how can Nigerians survive in a nation where leaders are busy buying bullet proof SUVs; Cars, Yatch and Private Jets, renovating old structures and houses with borrowed billions of naira, throwing owanbe parties all over and all sorts of senseless activities. He stressed further that “Online blackmail is now trending. Even Mr. President himself is not safe. He should work on insecurity and economic reforms as Nigerians did not celebrate this last Christmas and New Year yuletides with joy. People just managed to eat the little they can afford. The boat of Nigeria is sinking on daily basis and everyone is keeping silent. The naira is fast approaching N2000 per dollar, flights are not operating normally because of high rate of jet fuel. No market price control on the system.”

He urged Nigerians to go into farming and all kinds of commercial production and not just consuming as a nation. Prayer is not just enough to solve the country’s problems, actions must be taken and in few years we shall rise again. “I see a greater Nation Nigeria if we stand upright today.”

Land Dispute Intensifies: Oba Sikiru Adetona Faces Legal Action Amid Allegations of Trespass and Conspiracy


In an escalating legal saga, Harmony Gardens and Estate Development Ltd, has issued a pre-action notice to Oba Sikiru Adetona, the Awujale of Ijebu land, Ogun State, alongside Oba Kamarudeen Animashaun of Epe, Lagos State, and others. The notice serves as a stern warning against alleged continuous trespass, accusing the traditional rulers of using their influence with the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to forcefully take over Harmony Gardens and Estate Development Ltd's investment in Eyin-Osa Resettlement.

Harmony Gardens and its sister companies, prominent real estate entities, claim investments totaling billions of Naira in the Eyin-Osa, Yegunda, and Abomiti resettlement scheme. The pre-action notice levels accusations of criminal conversion and reselling 94 hectares of land against Oba Sikiru Adetona, Oba Kamarudeen Animashaun, and the Eyin-Osa Resettlement Committee. The notice suggests that the accused parties are presenting the rightful owner, who acquired the land from the Eyin Osa statutory owners, as a landgrabber.

The company emphasizes its legal right to the land, citing the possession of a Certificate of Occupancy (C of O) with the number 33/33/2022. The pre-action notice alleges that the defendants are conspiring with the police hierarchy, specifically implicating IGP Egbetokun, to forcefully take over the land and detain the company director under the guise of ongoing investigations. The notice asserts that all related cases have already been investigated, charged to court, and some taken over by the Attorney General's office.

Accusations against Oba Kamarudeen Animashaun and others include causing divisions by reselling the resettlement land, with claims that the Eyin-Osa Resettlement Committee, including Oba's son, Idris Animashaun, is complicit in these actions. The notice alleges the committee has sold land to different real estate companies, creating conflicts among investors. It further claims that civil cases such as Awujale vs Iposun are being used to create confusion, with the Kakanfo to Awujale allegedly boasting of receiving $50,000 from Obembe real estate to bribe a judge, a case that does not involve Eyin Osa Government Resettlement Land.

Harmony Gardens vowed to resist any form of intimidation, threats, or manipulation and pledges to protect its investment through all legal means. The pre-action notice accuses Oba Sikiru Adetona of criminally converting and forcefully taking over parts of the company's 94 hectares of land for resale, including 15 acres to Obembe Properties. The notice suggests an attempt to frame the managing director of Harmony Gardens, with the IGP deploying men of IRT under DC Sanusi to forcefully take over while the company MD was kept under the STS, allegedly hiding under investigating Dotun Hassan's frivolous petitions.

The notice concludes by urging Oba Sikiru Adetona to use his royal duties to resolve the land dispute or face legal actions within the ambit of the law. Copies of the notice were sent to the Attorney General of Lagos, the Chairman of Eyin Osa Resettlement Committee, and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Egbetokun.

As tensions rise, this legal battle promises to be a complex and protracted affair, with potential implications not only for the parties involved but also for the broader real estate landscape in the region. The coming days may shed light on how this dispute will unfold in the courts.