Wednesday 29 October 2014



Liberation city church is eleven years old and as part of activities to mark the anniversary the church is currently holding a week long prophetic anniversary service which commenced from the 29th of October to November 2rd 2014,delivering his sermon on the first day of ‘’THE GATHERING OF EAGLES’’ with theme ‘’WHAT A FAITHFUL GOD’’ the oracle of God Dr. Chris Okafor explained that God faithfulness upon liberation city church cannot be over emphasized ,he said the church has continue to grow from strength to strength, today the church has it branches in all the six geo-political zone of the country and also outside the country, he said liberation city is known across the globe. The liberation television as also become the number one gospel television to all home around the world as the Television is been monitor in over 168 countries around the world. First day and the second day of the crusade witness tremendous miracles as God use his servant Dr Chris Okafor to deliver the captive free and all the oppressed where set free, the third day of the programme was the international night of prophesy, where God use his servant to delivered the barren women by giving them children, the blind received there sight as various terminal diseases were cured through God divine interventions, The programme also witness some side attractions as Nigeria popular Gospel Musicians Frank Edwards ,Prince Gozie, Gabriel Peters and other Gospel artiste perform at the event. Speaking on why Chris Okafor visited the Destitute home as part of the Anniversary Celebration the Convener of Chris Okafor world outreach Programme, Dr Chris Okafor said he was determine to bring smile into the faces of the less privileged, he said there is joy in heaven when God sees you Giving to the less Privilege, He also remarked that the gesture will go a long way to enhance him reach the set target to win 1billion soul to the kingdom of God. Moreover speaking on the recent graduation of over 100 students from the Liberation Bible institute, Dr Chris Okafor emphasized that his long term dream has been achieved to trained personnel in the way of the lord, he said Liberation bible institutes is different Compare to other such institute because the foundation of the institutes is built on God directives and the scheme of work is deep knowledge in the word of God, He said all the graduation students are capable and has all it takes to compete with their fellow students in all other bible schools, he however challenged all the pioneer students of Liberation bible institutes to be a good ambassadors of the school in wherever they find themselves . meanwhile it will also be recalled that Recently the World Health Organization and united nation confirmed that Nigeria is free of Ebola virus, yes indeed its true, but most people did not know that there is a voice behind this sudden change in the battle to eliminate this deadly virus out of the country, many people has made various consultation about how to fight this scourge but not until a higher force was deployed which now made the country free, the process that nailed Ebola virus out of Nigeria began on the 7th,september at the liberation city where a special session was held to drive this scourge out of the country, God servant Dr Chris Okafor who led the session said the virus is not ordinary but an attempt to wipe the nation out, through the deadly disease, The oracle of God as he is widely called said Ebola was contacted by the kingdom of darkness to wipe out the country because the kingdom of darkness know that the country is richly blessed by God, he said the only means whereby the country can be free from that virus is through prayer, the man of God explain further  that, that was the reason why Liberation city church took that responsibility upon itself to pray for the country and  against the virus on the 7th of September 2014 and subsequently kill and nailed the various out of the country, while nailing the Ebola virus out of the country the oracle of God challenge Nigerians to continue to pray for the country, particularly Mr. President for God wisdom over his life to paddle the affair of the nation to the promise land. Meanwhile  the 11th year anniversary of Liberation city  begins on the 29th Oct,-2rd November 2014, the theme of the anniversary is WHAT A FAITHFUL GOD. Wednesday 29th service come up between 7am-12noon,Thursday,5pm-8pm,Friday is the international night of prophesy between 9pm-5am(night vigil)thanksgiving services come up on Sunday Nov,2nd between 6am-12noon.

Friday 10 October 2014



-       What their leaders benefitted in Ifako-Ijaiye LGA
-       Dr. Elijah Olu Adewale’s claim is false- constituents
-       Where does Kayode Aremo belong to, Accord Party, APC Onigbogbo LG or Ifako-Ijaiye LG?
The attention of Society Herald Magazine has been drawn to the current political crisis going on in Ifako-Ijaiye Local Government of Lagos as the general election draws nearer. Authoritative source told this paper that lots of aspirants had come out to show their interests for the House of Representatives slots or the state House of  Assembly. We have continued to see posters here and there, but the story that concerns the people of Ifako-Ijaiye is the allegation by one of the aspirants to the House of Representatives, Dr. Elijah Adewale. We gathered that this former Special Assistant to the Governor of Lagos State on Education claims that, he has never benefitted anything from Ifako-Ijaiye particularly.
During the Hon. Doherty administration, a lot of the stakeholders in the area know about the various benefits this said politician benefitted from the constituency. While investigating this allegation, we discovered that the claim is untrue, knowing fully well that Dr. Elijah Olu Adewale popularly called Jah served under the administration of Governor Fashola between 2007 and 2011 as Special Adviser on Education.  Investigation revealed that Dr. Jah was given a contract by the administration of Hon. Demola Doherty; his company, (Serviette Nigeria Ltd) was mandated to construct Araromi Street near his house at a whooping sum of N24.7 million, the contract was fully paid for. As a leader in the LG, he received cows, rams, bags of rice during festivities, Dr. Jah group members; about six of them were senior special assistants during Hon. Demola Doherty Administration. We also took further step to investigate another beneficiary of the Demola Doherty Administration who also claimed that he did not benefit anything from the Local Government. The man is Kayode Aremo, a politician in Ifako – Ijaiye Local Govt. investigation revealed that his house at Harmony Estate near Bible Pattern was constructed with a total cost of N7 million with the assistance of Hon. Demola Doherty.
This illegal collection and corruption perpetrated by Kayode Aremo affected the relationship between Demola Doherty and the state chairman of the party, Otunba Ajomale who introduced the lady contractor to the local government. We also gathered from reliable source that Kayode Aremo’s daughter was sponsored to Ghana in children excursion organized by the council, while he also collected N500,000 from the former council chairman, Doherty to bury his in-law in Ekiti State.
The school exercise books contract was not fully supplied to the council based on instruction of Kayode Aremo who was then the supervisor for Education/ Vice Chairman of the council. We gathered that he got two Toyota Corolla cars, welfare package including Mecca slots; all from Hon. Demola Doherty. Investigation also revealed that one Mrs. Adu (Yeye Oge) Anasanwo, Mrs. Ganzalo and many others enjoyed various monetary benefits.
The question is ‘why did the people of Ifako Ijaiye hate these two people, why did Aremo lose out in Ifako – Ijaiye? The answer is yet to be known, lots of the constituents are asking for answers to those questions. Where did Aremo belong to?, He was given appointment in Onigbongbo LG as the special adviser on Revenue. He is also Personal Assistant to an Accord Party Senator in Oyo State, Senator Lanlehin. He is also an aspirant in Ifako-Ijaiye? 

Tuesday 7 October 2014



The body of Christ, Christianity has continued to dominate the fight against the kingdom of darkness. Today, the country, Nigeria has continued to enjoy lots of privileges from God through some selfless anointed men of God, who have taken this responsibility upon themselves to ensure that the kingdom of darkness is crushed. Among these popular men of God, who God has been using to set the captives free are Prophet T.B Joshua of Synagogue Church of all Nations and Dr. Chris Okafor of Liberation City Church Worldwide.
In the report, we want to analyze what both of them have in common.
1.          Prophet Ministry:
Today in Nigeria, when we talk about prophetic ministry, Prophet T.B Joshua and Dr. Chris Okafor are forces to be reckoned with. God is using both men of God to liberate the oppressed and propagate evangelism. Investigation revealed that, Synagogue Church of all Nations and Liberation City Church are really providing solutions to the needs of the people. The barren, the sick, the blind, the needy and others are receiving miracles from these two men of God. They have been role models to other men of God. They have unique programmes which  make them different from other men of God.

2.                      Television Ministration:
Also, those two men of God operate  a 24/7 hours television ministry, Emmanuel T.V as Liberation T.V is the only Christian church that is viewed across the globe. They both believe that souls can be won through the air-waves because these three television stations are winning souls daily. The two channels have continued to win souls to the kingdom of God, while the afflicted are healed, lots of testimonies have also been heard. Lots of barren women received God’s touch through the live broadcast of these two television stations.      

Outreach Ministries:
Prophet T.B Joshua and Dr. Chris Okafor are two men of God known for many outreach programmes across the globe, these two men of God have carried evangelism across the sea. On a monthly basis, we gathered that these two men of God touch at least five to six countries to spread the God’s words  to Nations through their outreach ministries.

Philanthropic Gesture
Africans can testify to the fact that Prophet T.B Joshua and Dr. Chris Okafor are cheerful givers. Dr.  Chris Okafor has been giving to the needy, likewise Prophet T.B Joshua. Dr. Chris Okafor has continued to pay school fees of the less privileged; giving out cash, food items and clothing to the needy. We gathered that both men spend not less than N250 million yearly to help the less privileged.

Giving To The Widows:  
Widows in the country now have hope due to what both men of God are doing for them. We gathered that last Sunday of the month is being used by Chris Okafor to help the widows while Prophet T.B Joshua also does the same. They have continued to put smiles on the faces of the widows.

Daily Church Activities:
Synagogue Church of All Nations and Liberation City Church are two main churches in Nigeria that hold programmes on a daily basis from Sunday to Sunday. These two churches also have the highest number of major programmes in the country.

I Have Never Met Prophet T.B Joshua But He Is My Colleague In The Ministry - Brother Joshua Iginla

I Have Never Met Prophet T.B Joshua But He Is My Colleague In The Ministry - Brother Joshua Iginla

Brother Joshua Iginla is the general overseer of Champions Royal Assembly based in Abuja. The popular prophet whose predictions have been making headlines in an exclusive chat with us opened up on his ministry and relationship with Prophet  T.B. Joshua.

So many people believe that you are a product of TB Joshua or you’ve associated with him; is it true?
 The truth is I have never met TB Joshua one on one. I have never been to Synagogue. I don't even have any physical connection with him.  I am not a son  or a follower of TB Joshua. I love what God is using him to do; I have no doubt that he is of God. But the truth is, he is just a friend, a brother in Christ and a colleague in the ministry.
A lot of reports have linked you to Prophet T. B. Joshua because of the similarity in your ministrations, what’s the link?

A lot of media houses have asked me a similar question.  If I claim I don’t know him, it’s a lie.  I have never seen him face to face or spoken to him on phone. It was merely by watching his Emmanuel TV.  It will be unfair to criticize him. I know a lot of pastors sneak to his church but still deny him openly.  If I had been a critic then and now that I minister with such grace and my hands are clean, I will not be bold to say this.  Personally, I will say this, he is a genuine man of God.   I have warned my members never to run down other men of God.  Most criticisms against him were done due to envy, bitterness and politics in the ministry.  For instance, when my mentor, Bishop Idahosa died, some of his people I wanted to make as mentors were demanding for money.

 Since Prophet TB Joshua is your friend, what’s your comment on the recent collapse of his church building which claimed several lives?
First, I commiserate with the families of those who lost their lives in the tragic incident. I pray as God’s servant that the good Lord who doesn’t abandon His own will comfort them on all sides and grant them the grace to bear the loss.  some journalists have come to meet me and asked me questions about it or requested for my comment about the collapsed building. Let me open up for the first time. When our brother is under attack, we should not rejoice but joined hands together to pray for him. I have not seen him in person. I am just doing what God has called me to do. He is my brother in the ministry and I love what God is doing through him. People asked why this storm? The reason is that there is no genuine or mature prophet that God won’t reveal what’s going to happen to him. And you can’t expect such a prophet to come on air and begin to say this is what will happen to my ministry. Rather, he will pray and speak to you in parables. Those lies by people on the internet that he doesn’t know are not true. If you listened to his messages, you will know he was speaking in parables. The best thing we can do is to pray that it won’t happen. If prayer was not done, it is not what we are saying about SCOAN and Prophet TB Joshua that we will still be saying. I have heard other pastors who clapped and celebrated and I call that wickedness in ministry. Nobody prayed for temptation.  It is only in Christianity that our brother will be under attack and rather than us to join hands and pray for him, they are backstabbing him. Anybody that rejoices about his brother’s challenge now should remember he is not above temptation.  I am already made as a person and my comment is not because I want popularity.  I am famous already. My response is not because I need favour,  I am favoured already. It’s not because I need his help because I am blessed already. My reaction is that people should stop rejoicing over a clergy when he is going through storm. All those saying all manners of wicked things especially among the body of Christ are demonic persons. Even if you don't love what I am saying; I still have to say the truth from my heart. If I don’t stand up and say this, it means if I have my own challenges tomorrow, they will also criticise me. It’s only in Nigeria that a fellow person will be under attack and they will be rejoicing when we are supposed to rise up, pray and stand by him. One blow for one is blow for all. I love Army generals. They can’t see one of their own in trouble and won’t stand by him. It’s only among Christian generals that we rejoice when another is going through storm. It’s due to envy, jealousy, bitterness and hypocrisy in the ministry.

PDP has declared President Jonathan as their sole candidate in the forthcoming election and you have  prophesied that Jonathan would win, what do you think the 2015 elections would give birth to?
I took my time to pray and talk to the Lord about 2015 because charity begins at home. If we continue to talk about the other nations, and we do not talk about our own, what is the evidence that God is talking to us?  The 2015 election is not all about winning, it is all about running an inclusive government that has to do with trying to pacify the opposition party because this is like a do or die affair, but the truth about the whole matter is that, Jonathan is going to win the whole elections and there is no doubt about it.  It is not because Jonathan is the perfect man but I think the unity of Nigeria is most important.  I thank God for the opposition party because they are going to do well but they are not the dream party that God will raise to take the 'baton' from PDP.  Indeed, time would come that PDP would crumble but it has not come to the time.  For now, the years ahead would still be held by the same person in power.  Another thing God told me is that, no matter how credible 2015 elections are, Jonathan should be ready for accusations and battles. But mark my word, he will emerge the winner.

We have it on tape that during the vigil of December 31, 2013, you prophesied that in 2014, there would be an outbreak of a disease like Ebola virus, here we are, it has come to pass.  What is God saying about it and what is the way out?
I remember when I said that, people went on Facebook to criticize me that what am I trying to say about a disease more dangerous than HIV?  The prophetic words said, “Some people will have HIV and won't be happy they have HIV and it is going to start from 2014 to 2020.  It is going to claim millions of lives. “ We have not actually seen the worst of Ebola virus.  I see sometimes but I am afraid to say it so that people don't think one is too negative but God revealed to us what is about to happen, so that we can warn His people so that they can get prepared for the danger that is ahead.  This is not psychology.  Nobody talked about Ebola virus many years ago and nobody was afraid of it.  Why did it happen when God spoke about it?  That is when you begin to understand there is nothing else but God.  There is a link between the witchcraft coven and the marine world that lures people into hell and this is what we are seeing.  I am not mincing words, but a lot of souls are going to die except we begin to understand that we need to turn to God.  Prophetically, God showed me and I was afraid and I am sorry to say that, even men of God are going to be victims of this.  He began to tell me that, “People who truly worship me will be revealed and those who do not truly worship me will be revealed” also.  He told me that there would be something like a vaccine or hope that would come and it would be discovered by a group of scientists led by a white scientist with a bald head and this research will bring about 10 per cent hope not 100 per cent hope.  At first, a noise would be heard saying, “There is hope” but the hope that they think is a cure is just a vaccine.

As a voice of God, for those who are scared about this, what is the way out?
The way out is to turn to God.  There is something spiritual about the Ebola virus and the name Ebola is got from a river.  Just as a group of scientists are putting their heads together, a group of men of God should assemble to pray for the world but I know it would be conquered.  It would still become an issue, it would not be a stigma the way HIV is now.  It would get to a time that people would live a normal life out of it.

Two major national prophecies you gave and they have become quite sensational. Former Governor Nyako and the crashed airforce helicopter in Bama, Borno State. What do you think happened, despite your warning, it came to pass?
Most times when people hear the prophets of God speaking to the world, they feel they are charlatans. Some people have a way of looking down on the prophetic words of God and I could remember before the helicopter crash and if you look at the fulfilled prophecy, it was more than three to four times that the prophetic words were echoed and warnings were given about how it could be averted. On our own side, we prayed about it and we also tried to pass messages to the relevant authorities and I felt a little bit unhappy because some of these prophecies that are negative can be averted if people can at least heed the voice of God. Some of the prophetic words in terms of the helicopter crash, I re-echoed and we prayed but the people concerned turned deaf ears to it. How would it not come to pass? It is part of the prayers I made that made that crash have survivors.

We discovered that, as early as 4 a.m, worshippers troop into this ministry and even to overflow. What is the secret of this massive explosion?
Nothing else than God and sometimes, it is so funny when you look at where people park their cars and trek down to be part of the service. They line up at 4.30 a.m to follow all the rigorous procedures. I would always say that where the carcasses are, there the eagles gather because God is actually doing wonders and we should give God praise for it. Some pastors are looking for members while others are even tired of the ones they have.

We learnt that due to this expansion in May, you decided to get another site that would accommodate this explosion and by November, the church anniversary would be done and most of your pastors are scared of the possibility because it is so capital intensive?
I remember God made me to declare the prophetic word last year November that we would have our eighth anniversary on our permanent land and when it got to April, we had not got a piece of land and many people began to call but God did His wonders and a land came and what we are about to build is something out of this world, something that has not been seen in Nigeria. The church will have an escalator, it is going to be a masterpiece. Some people are already thinking whether it is a federal government project because of the proposed plan to build a 5-star hotel there, a wonderful restaurant and other establishments, schools, university and more.

How long will it take you to complete the permanent site and how will the funds come?

We are not under pressure to complete the new site. What we are praying for is time, not money. In fact, we have bought a generator to make sure that work goes on day and night just to meet up with the target.


He is ebony black, handsome and hunky; the kind of guy that would have
made a career playing pro- basketball in the NBA. He is also calm,
humble, intelligent, soft-spoken and a gentleman. Welcome
to the world of Chief Dumo Owukori Lulu Briggs; lawyer, businessman,
technocrat, politician and philanthropist.
Dumo makes no pretentions about being a rich man’s kid. His father
Chief O .B lulu Briggs is easily the richest man in the Niger/Delta.
His company; Moni Pulo Ltd drills and exports crude oil; he is an
elder statesman, politician and legendary philanthropist whose name
and goodwill open doors all over the country. He was also national
vice chairman of the defunct National Party of Nigeria, NPN.  His dad,
Dumo says has been an inspiration for most of the things he has done
in life and he is appreciative and proud of this great and illustrious
At first meet, he is not your regular spoilt and pampered rich man’s
child. Dumo is confident and outgoing. He is well suited to discuss
any subject and he speaks with deep introspection, and reverence,
respecting the sensibilities of all. He is also street smart and
alert; he attended public schools and he can hold his own anywhere.
“My dad has always been an inspiration. My foray into maritime
industry, and oil and gas was because he was also in that business. He
has a larger than life image. Considering the circumstances of his
birth, he has achieved outstanding success in business and politics
and he has a large heart when it comes to helping society.  He is
truly one of the great men of his generation”.
But make no mistakes, Dumo has learnt well. Under his dad’s tutelage; he
has carved a niche for himself as a prolific corporate player,
technocrat and grassroots mobilizer.
Dumo is a lawyer. He obtained his law degree from Ahmadu Bello
University, Zaria in 1985, which he describes as a great institute of
learning and a citadel of excellence. In 1987, he crowned it with a
master’s degree from University of London. He has also fortified
himself with executive courses at Harvard University and Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, USA.
He talks about his motivations for studying law.
Growing up Days
“My father was very strict… I am a lawyer today, even
though I didn’t originally want to become a lawyer. But of course, at
that time when we were growing up, we couldn’t break from our parents.
What you wanted as opposed to what your parents wanted would always be
secondary. So my father insisted that I must read law. And that
training has also helped me to take on other challenges outside of the
legal profession. Into oil and gas; I am also into entertainment. And
whatever field I find myself in, I see my law background has been very
helpful.  I am also into politics.”
He was 50 on June 13, Dumo joined Moni Pulo ltd, an indigenous oil
exploration company founded by his father in June 1998 as company
secretary and legal adviser. From inception the company was under
expatriate management. In 2002; he was promoted to executive director
and the year after, he was appointed managing director purely on
merit. At this time the company’s fortunes had dwindled and Dumo saw
his elevation as a divine opportunity to prove his capacity and
capability as a manager of men and resources.
Under his watch, Dumo says he was able to turn around the operations of
the company, re-focused its operations and permanently  established
Muni Pulo Ltd  as a dynamic corporate entity.
“We streamlined units around a coherent commercial and operational
worldwide strategy, resulting in profitability, revenue gains, winning
market share in its strategic emergence as a major independent Oil and
Gas exploration and production company.”
Today, Moni Pulo is one of the most successful indigenous oil exploration companies in Nigeria and it continues to play a major role in shaping the industry and encouraging local talents and growth.
It’s a classic turn-around story in Nigerian corporate history, the likes of which are used as case study in Business schools.  In Dumo’s unassuming attitude, he shrugs it off and says,’ we did what we had to do’. I stalled for a few moments for him to revel in self accomplishment…spew forth a few words of praise…I couldn’t grudge him that, but none was forthcoming. It was not my style to wallow in self praise and ego tripping. It was not my job to change a 50-year old man, I had to stick to the business at hand and move matters forward.
In November 2013, he and some associates formed Platform Petroleum Ltd
of which he is Chairman and since then there has been no looking back.
Apart from sitting on the board of several blue chip companies all
over the country, he is also chairman of several successful indigenous
companies which employ hundreds of Nigerians in their various spheres;
they include DLB Marine Ltd, De- Plaza Privilage, DLB Energy Services
Ltd, and Bluewaves Marine and Construction Co., Ltd amongst others.
Dumo says as an entrepreneur and visionary, he identifies the
potentials of the ventures, sets up the structures and brings in
competent hands to run the business so they can actualize themselves
by so doing. Daily his profile rises and his achievements in the
corporate world as a focused and astute investor, manager of resources
and motivator of men mark him out as a man of great promise for his
He says,
“Every day, I pray to God to show me more ways to impact my society; to
do a better job of managing the resources and opportunities that I
have to create jobs and opportunities for others hereby helping to
make the world a better place for all.”
Dumo is happily married to the lady of his dreams, Dawn, who he
describes as the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh, and they
are blessed with children.
He says of his beautiful wife of over 15 years,
“She is God-sent; a very special woman blessed with grace, intellect,
understanding and wisdom. She is a worthy partner who stands by me in
all I do. She is an epitome of womanhood and motherhood.”
Dumo’s day is always loaded with meetings, consultations and travels
all over the world for one  board meeting, inspection or to seal a
deal. His hobbies are writing, reading, sports and surprisingly
philanthropy for which he has received numerous awards over the years.
Hear him,
‘I am passionate about helping the less privileged around me. Always I
seek out ways to reach out to the needy in meaningful ways. I have
given out scholarships; I continuously undertake women and youth
empowerment programmes, helping of the widows, the sick and the
orphaned. Each time I do such, it gives me inner peace and joy knowing
I am putting smiles on the faces of people and helping to give them
hope for tomorrow. The rich amongst us must understand that we are
only custodian of wealth and should therefore use it to uplift and
better the lives and situations of those around them.”
As a mark of brotherhood and social affinity, in his home town
Abonnema, Dumo belongs to two socio-cultural associations;  Nyemoni
Awo aogo and Kengema Mina Ogbo.
Dumo’s  humanness is also found in the people around him, despite his
huge success as an international businessman, he still keeps his
childhood friends and hangs out with them constantly,
“We are all children of a benevolent God, what is the joy of having
when my friends do not have. I have found happiness in being myself
and in doing the things that give me pleasure”.
Dumo says in his little way he believes in making life meaningful to
his people and those that have been privileged to come in contact with
He adds,
“The true worth of a man is in the way he treats people who are absolutely in need. If you care about people in need, you are actually
making a contribution to the development of the nation.
We need to give life back to the people; democracy is important in the
way of governance. We need to try and see how we can use the available
resources for everybody; create opportunities for all and care
especially for those who are truly in need. The gap between the rich
and the poor should be bridged.  Those of us blessed with material
resources need to share with others.  We must strike to create a
balance with our resources”.
Dumo’s  enduring success in the maritime and oil and gas sector as a
Niger-Delta indigene has propelled him into role model status for all
those dreaming of a career in that line of business. Youths are
beginning to realize the sky is the limit to their ambitions and
dreams as long as they can work on it.
Dumo says, ”I am humble, people see me as a role model. I have always said there is no short cut to success; it takes a lot of hard work and
perseverance to make it and stay up there. I will continue to give in
my best in all my endeavors to make me worthy of this trust.”
Dumo’s first opportunity to showcase his skills as a technocrat and
team player on the national level, presented itself in 2009 when he
was appointed chairman of the National Maritime Academy, Oron, an
institute set up by the federal Government of Nigeria to train
He reveals, ”we knew when we came on board that we had a serious job to do. We
knew we had to make a mark before we leave the Academy.'
Dumo has just finished another shot  at public service as chairman of
the board of the Federal Medical Centre , Owerri, for him it was
another opportunity to add 
his quota  to national development, but
this time in the health section.
“The experience was wonderful, very challenging ,it was an eye-opener.  I had a great team- we had very experienced technocrats and
professionals on the board, people like M. Ibrahim Shettima, Usman
Ibba, Engr. Don Chibundu Njoku, and Senator (Engr) Onyema  Amadi
Okoroafor.  With all modesty; we left the place better than we met it
and I believe posterity will judge us positively someday.
Dumo is not swollen headed about his achievements in public service
so far. He believes he has been offered opportunity to serve because
people know his potentials.
“They think that it’s a job that I would be able to deliver. Also, it
must have been borne out of my well known enthusiasm and interest in
anything that relates to education and human capital development. They
must have  thought that well, this is somebody who has over time
spoken so much about this…it would be nice to see if it is not just
talk; now that we have the opportunity, let’s see if he will be able
to deliver. So, it’s not lost on me that the expectation is high. I
take all of these assignments with all amount of seriousness and
dedication. Sometimes, they conflict in terms of timing with my businesses which are growing daily, but because this is national
service I create the time and balance to ensure I give my best always.
Nigeria, I have always believed can only truly be great when we all
add our own quota to its development when called upon to do so. So, I
cannot fall short of their expectations of me, God has always been
helping and guiding me.”
Dumo was a Member of the  -Rivers State Economic Advisory Council for
four years, he is also a Member of the Nigerian Association of
Petroleum Explorers (NAPE), Member-International Bar Association
(IBA), Fellow-Institute of Corporate Managers & Public Administrators
of Nigeria (FCMPA), Recipient- Distinguished Nation Builders Merit
Award (DINBMA).
He is taking it a notch higher; he has
his sights on contesting for governorship of Rivers State in 2015.
He says upfront,
“The 2015 gubernatorial  elections in Rivers State, I believe, should be about who will take the state to a greater height and not
about which of the ethnic nationalities in the state will produce the
next governor.”
Dumo’s candidacy is creating excitement amongst the political class
and  has received endorsement from various political associations and
groups across the state but he knows it’s going to be long drawn
and tough battle.
“The terrain has changed from when I first contested in 2003. Now, the
consultation is so much, our democracy is much more robust, there is
no more imposition of candidates. Now, everybody is enjoined to work,
to go the  grassroots and show yourself as acceptable by your people.
The groupings have also changed. You have to consult massively and
it’s a never ending affair. But I like it, it puts me and my team on
our toes to react to the dynamics of the system and forge ahead.”
Dumo’s foray into politics commenced in 1992 when he joined the Social
Democratic Party, (SDP), that same year he  was a candidate for the
House Of Representatives in Akuku Toru Federal Constituency, in Rivers
Between 1986 and 1998, he was national assistant legal adviser to the
Grass Roots Democratic Party and in 2003, he contested for the
governorship of Rivers State against Dr. Peter Odili.
As the politicking gathers momentum, Dumo believes there is need for
all Rivers people to unite under one umbrella.
“I tell you, there is need for us to unite Rivers people. We must end
the divisiveness and polarisation and bring everybody together under
one umbrella. At the appropriate time, the PDP will pick their best
Dumo says the responsibility of political leadership and government is to create opportunities for everybody so that the corresponding
expectation for responsibility from all is also deserved. Like you
know, if you don’t provide the opportunities, then it becomes difficult for you to insist that they must lead very responsible
lives. Rivers State needs liberation and I believe I am the man that
can make it happen with the support of the people”.

Friday 3 October 2014



The Senior Pastor of Liberation City Church, Dr Chris Okafor together with Member of Chris Okafor World Outreach storms the destitute home in Oyingbo Area of Lagos State  to give Succor to the less privileged through evangelism, Has he also share food items, Household Materials and financial assistant to cater for some of their Health needs, Preaching the Word of God to people, Dr Chris okafor said one of the way to win soul to the kingdom of God is to go out there and minister to the people irrespective of their status either rich or poor, the oracle of God said, he is fulfilled seeing the less privileged given their life to Christ despite their conditions, Meanwhile the liberation city church has graduated over 100 students from its bible institutes, the students who undergo a six months intensive bible coaching course to enable them prepare for their callings in the vineyard of God, while giving the graduates words of advises and there certificates, the Patron of Liberation Bible institute, Dr Chris Okafor challenges the student to be focus in their endeavor because whoever is ready to serve God must do that will all it has. he said the institutes has create a road map for them through the training but it is now left for them to realize their dream, he also challenged them to be a good ambassador of liberation bible institutes wherever they find themselves, it will be recalled that Dr Chris okafor remain one of the men of God in the country that is known for accurate prophesy and know how to teach the word of God in the best way that will be best understood by all,  The oracle of God has he is fondly called as at the time of publishing this story is in south Africa, Spreading the gospel as part of the mandate to win 1billion soul to the kingdom of God, While reacting to the circulated negative stories on  the man of God ,His publicist, Sunday Adeyemi said the  story is completely falsehood, it is an attempt to pull the reputation of the man of God down which he said is not possible, he is a man of dignity, respect his family and committed to the assignment given to him by God, Sunday Adeyemi enjoy all Liberation City Media Friends to please confirm stories before it is published because it is more damaging to write falsehood about a true anointed man of God