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Tuesday 7 March 2023

Birthday Blast: Sons and Daughters of Prophet Genesis Set to Celebrates Dad


In less than 72hrs to this time,  Sons and Daughters of Popular Global Prophet and shepherd in charge of Genesis Global,  Prophet Israel Ogundipe will be celebrating the Grace,  Anointing over his life as he will be adding another year of God blessings, anointing of deliverance and miracles with signs and wonders.

Weather this popular prophet will be celebrating the faithfulness of God upon his life in Grand style or in Low key is not yet confirmed but insider gist have it that,  his sons and daughters across the globe are preparing seriously to make  the day a memorable one.  Gist said he adding another year this Thursday.

From all of us,  Prophet Israel ogundipe aka Prophet Genesis Global media friend,  we say a big Happy birthday to you sir,  More Grace to function in the vineyard

More update about the World Class birthday in our next bullentin