Tuesday 6 May 2014


Monumental fraud in Zamfara
How Gov Yari milk the state dry

Eighteen years after creation, Zamfara State still remains a
traditional rural State due to some lapses, gross non-performance and
corruption by virtually all the previous administrations of the state.
In this analysis, our correspondent  take a peep at the state and the
impediment that deters the progress and revealed that democracy still
stand a chance of survival only if the main actors can give the
necessary inputs in real term.
For quite a long time, Zamfara has prayed for salvation and solace
especially, This is what the political class here in Zamfara lacks, a
sense of dedication, patriotism and commitment. Most of them are not
even fair to themselves much less for those that gave them the
mandate. Pundits averred that the attitude in itself is inimical to
democratic ideals and consequently anti democratic and by extension
autocratic, a situation where anything can go when money is involved
is very disastrous and unfortunate.
Truly, democratic set up in Nigeria were full of corruption or corrupt
practices. It is the same practice that had hindered the state from
economic growth and infrastructural development despite collecting
over N370billion as statutory allocation from the federation account
within the period
Investigations revealed that Governor Abdul Azees Yari’s
administration has failed by the judgment of majority and infact by
his own admission and to register and appreciable success. His
failures were indeed followed by his inability to fight corruption or
better still his choice to allow carefree attitude of people in the
corridors of power to continue dominating the system. Infact
everything remains as it was even worse.
Money from the public treasury were used to achieve political ends, an
episode where government tendered cash allegedly forwarded to top
politicians for victories is still the public funds. And none of them
has given any explanation in that matter.
This administration has not made any sincerity and dedication as their
hallmark which is why they have not built strong economic base and
conducive Zamfara State. The money they were alleged to have looted is
more than the little they spent for public projects during this
administration. The evil calamity they inflicted on the masses is
still haunting the common masses. The state has been placed into a
waste basket. Ask them, is money they stole into their accounts not
enough to service the debt the state owes? After robbing the state of
its resources, they still went to disgrace its image in the world.

Governor Yari on assuming power worsen the debt crisis in the state by
securing illegal loan of N4billion allegedly with high interest rate
in a supposedly Sharia. The facility was secured without the approval
of the state House of Assembly and before the constitution of the
state executive council. Questionable projects that are not priority
to the immediate needs of the people but were created to favour the
economic interest of friends, associates and conduit pipes was awarded
by Yari in violation of due process and from all analysis over
Governor Yari is perhaps today the most widely travelled state
governor in Nigeria with a record of spending over N2billion according
to an insider that pleaded not to be mentioned on expenses incurred on
hotel, food and air craft charter across Nigeria. His frequent travels
to Dubai, London and Suadi Arabia according to the source has cost the
poor people of Zamfara state more than N500million with the period of
less than one year according to the source. Within the same period,
Zamfara owing to Yari’s negligence and disregard to the welfare of the
people has lost the services of more than 20 medical doctors due to
non payment of their salaries and failure to effect the payment of
their allowances and salary increament.
Investigation also reveals that nearly 50% of the highly substandard
but inflated projects Yari has embarked upon was concentrated in his
home town of Talatan Mafara, a move condemn by citizens of the state
as irresponsible for a leader that was elected by all the people of
the state.
Another source who pleaded anonymity told this paper that Yari was
warned by his Malam not to relocate to the Government House hence his
illegal decision to remain in his home at Talatan Mafara since he was
elected and incurring huge expenses in the process and subjecting the
police and other security agents to divide within the Government House
in Gusau and the governor’s house at Talatan Mafara.
Among all the former governors of Zamfara state according to those
interviewed by this paper, “Yari in less than one year through his
conduct, policies and vision has proven to be the most insensitive
with no clear policy direction.
From creation, the state has never got any direction or focus due to
poor financial management by the past leaders of the state. The whole
system has become faulty democratically as there was no trust or truth
in the system. The influx of the youth to the urban areas increased
the rate of political thuggery in the state.
According to Malam Bello Gusau, “it is shameful and disgraceful that
the world has stepped into a global village, yet Zamfara is yet to
locate its level, in dare need of development. The failure of all the
government is because they did not have the sense of purpose,
direction and focus. The gravity of the whole offence lays drastically
and terrifyingly on the past leaders who left power to Governor
Abdul’azeez Yari. While Yari had continued to plunder as the case of
his predecessors, pundits believed that he inherited virtually nothing
from the past governors. But considering the kind of leadership and
lack of accountability Zamfara witnessed in the last ten months under
Yari, the incumbent governor and his predecessors are to be
collectively blamed for the backwardness of the state and for allowing
so called contractors to defraud the state with nothing commensurate
in return.
Pundits also averred that if Yari is indeed serious in fighting
corruption he must start with himself by stopping his unnecessary
foreign and domestic trips and ensure sanity and transperancy in
awarding government contract and in determining who or which company
is qualified. They also said that Yari should start the war on
corruption by subjecting his blood brother, Ja’afaru Dan’ auta to the
EFCC for investigation because according to them the stupendous wealth
Dan’auta is intimidating the people with which he didn’t have prior to
the emergence of his brother as governor must be investigated to
convince the people that Yari is sincere and committed to fight
corruption. They said virtually all the commissioners of Yari are
redundant because all issues that has to do with money is now under
the authority and monopoly of Dan’auta, Usman Sahabi Kaura and Alhaji
Sani Jega. “The situation in Zamfara is unfortunate. Dan’auta is
illiterate and has nothing before his brother became governor. Usman
Sahabi has been cheating Zamfara and making millions since Yarima was
governor. If the governor is serious Dan’auta, Usman Kaura and Sani
Jega must go to jail for the financial crimes they are committing
against Zamfara and its citizens”, Bello said.

But many believed that if the way Yari has started by reducing
government to impact on the economic lives of few privileged in the
state is anything to go by, he will go down as the worst governor
Zamfara state has ever had. For now and in view of the typical
leadership direction of Yari, the hope of getting a governor that will
transform the state and its economy has been dashed in Yari.

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