Monday 16 June 2014



The annual liberation Men Alive Conference by the Liberation City Church National Headquarter in Lagos has ended, the three days Power filled Spiritual Men Empowered Programme was aimed at repositioning Liberation Men for greater exploit. Nigerian south African bases man of God and Former Super Eagle Keeper, Pastor Peterside Idah was the special guest Preacher at the event, the General Overseer of Liberation City Worldwide Dr Chris Okafor also impact spiritual upliftment to all the participant at the conference, speaking at the first day of the conference on the topic[ IT IS SLEEPING],Pastor Peterside Idah said that lot of men today, there business and finances had gone to sleep not because they are not praying enough but because they never take to instruction by the servant of God, he said the only way to be more alive as a man or father, for you to carry out your responsibility as the head is to follow God instruction and allow it to be ones guide, the second day was more powerful as the Senior Pastor of Liberation City Dr Chris Okafor mounted the pulpit with the topic [STATE OF EMERGENCY], Dr Chris Okafor maintain that, state of emergency is needed in any situation that needed urgent attention, he stated further even the country needed a state of emergency to tackle the present situation in the country, he explained that for a man to be successful, moving from the state of poverty to wealth such man needs state of emergency, he said the present situation is not as a result of president Jonathan  no active attitude or the people. but the church to be blame because book Haram is not ordinary but spiritual, he said if all the men of God declared a state of emergency on the book Haram, insurgency will the thing of the past. the last day of the conference which coincident with THE FATHERS DAY, was  used by the men alive group of the church to induct Dr Chris Okafor as the group life patron and subsequently Honored as the father of the church on the fathers days celebration, it will be recalled that Dr Chris Okafor has remain of the few men of God in the country that maintain a high level of prophetic ministry, all is prophesy has come to past, he has however called on the practitioners in the aviation industry to watch out against plane crash as God revealed to him, blood on the air, he has since pray against such occurrence, also the church has organized a special prayer session for the immediate release of the chibok girls abducted by the Boko Haram militant. The liberation television is now been viewed around the world, with this achievement liberation TV is now the second world largest view Christian TV in the world and as part of the mandate given to Dr Chris Okafor to win 1billion soul to the kingdom, the channel is complimenting this mandate 

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