Friday 13 May 2016

UNION BANK OF FRAUD -How union bank staffs withdraw Customers money without their knowledge -3 Arrested staffs made confessional statement in police net how they transfer and share customer 500,000.

-How union bank staffs withdraw Customers money without their knowledge
-3 Arrested staffs made confessional statement in police net how they transfer and share customer 500,000.
One of the oldest banks in Nigeria with credible banking system and policy, union bank is currently swimming in a fraud mess, this bank with the motto. Big, Strong, Reliable has totally lost the true interpretation of it logo; the bank is now totally not reliable. According to the confessional statement made by three of its staff in Ekpoma branch, Edo state, in Area G command in Lagos, they are use to transfer customer money to another account in another bank before they make withdraw and share their loots.
The activities of those three staffs with the name, Gideon Ehimare (Head of Teller) Akhigbe Courage (Fund Transfer) Ogbeide Endurance (Cash &Cheque) all staffs of Union Bank Ekpoma branch of Edo state came to open after they were arrested brought to Area G command of Nigeria police force after they have transfer 500,000 belonging to one Mr. Gbenga Olomiye, a Lagos residence. The whole saga started on the 7th of January, when Mr. Gbenga got an alert on his phone of debit from his UBA account in the turn of half of a million to another account in union bank. Immediately he made a complaint to his account officer at UBA, explaining that he never gave anybody cheque or made any transfer from his account also that his account officer never ask him to authorize any transfer. He was asked to write a letter of complaint which he did; he also made a statement to the police on that illegal transfer of his money. Mr Gbenga while making consultation about how to get his money back was advised to pay another sum of money into that Union bank account that the 500,000 was transfer to, he did to confirm the active of that account. That was how the trap was set to know who and who is involved in that illegal withdrawal thief. After so many investigation by the security operatives, May 11 2016 going by the order of arrest gotten from Lagos from NPF, those three criminal who specialized in transferring and withdrawing customer hard earned cash were arrested in Ekpoma and brought to Lagos for interrogation, while in the police custody in Area G, they accept to the allegation that they were the kingpin involved in the transfer of Mr. Gbenga olomiye 500,000 among many other customers money and they agreed to pay the money back, to ensure that the management at the Union Bank will not be aware,and also to safe their job.
This is not the first time things like this has been happening in Union Bank particularly in All it s branches in Edo state, even according to source the general manager in that Ekpoma branch a lady generally called Madam needed to be sacked because she is aware of all the fraud going-on under her and by this giving Union Bank such bad name and image. It is also a known fact that Union Bank has made a name or itself as a leader in the banking sector so must not allow such staffs to tarnish it reputation. We advised the management of union bank in a matter of urgent set up a panel of enquires to stop the activities of those staffs involves in various fraud in the bank. As to Mr. gbenga olomiye, he said he will continue to let people know why they must be wary of union bank, we will published other fraudulent act of other branch of union bank also in Edo state in our next publication

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